Your Psychic Guide is the place to call when you need answers to your questions. Ronnie is a gifted psychic who's skilled at all types of psychic readings, including palm and tarot card readings. With Ronnie's help, you achieve career, financial, and physical health. Get the answers to your questions about your life with psychic services from Ronnie in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Detailed Palm Readings Your palms tell the story of your past, present, and future. Palm readings help determine your personality, future, and love life in addition to answering any of your questions. The time they take varies, depending on your mood and attitude.
Tarot Card Readings Tarot cards are divination tools that offer you guidance about your relationships, including friends, relatives, and business associates. During the reading, Ronnie instructs you to shuffle the cards and make 3 stacks. Using your dominant hand, you hover it over the stack that calls to you and then touch it. Ronnie reads each card from that stack, explaining its meaning in regards to your life.
Crystal Ball and Power Crystals At Your Psychic Guide, master psychic Ronnie also uses a crystal ball and power crystals into look into your spiritual realm. These are highly effective tools when you want to contact people that friends and family members that have passed away. Ronnie also uses a crystal ball and power crystals to interpret your dreams, providing you with specific details about their meanings. Additionally, these unique objects help identify any psychic abilities you may have.
Ancient Runes for Your Information Ronnie uses ancient runes, which are an ancient alphabet, as part of the divination process. Runes provide you with details about dates, times, and places that may be dangerous to you. They are also used to help you find information about a person based on his or her name.
Tea Leaf Readings Ronnie uses tea leaves to explore your past, present, and future up to a 10-year span. Here's how this type of reading works. You take a cup, add a small amount of water, and sprinkle a few tea leaves in it. Next, you swirl the water and leaves around in the cup and give the cup to Ronnie to read. Tea leaves are an excellent way to discover the find out about your health, finances, and relationships.